Looking for Paintings - Part 25
Trees, meadows, poppies and scenery in the Willamette Valley.

About 20 miles SE of Silverton is Silver Falls State Park, a nice scenic drive with plenty of hiking trails and waterfalls.

Another beautiful meadow. They're everywhere!

A huge irrigation device on wheels that slowly moves across the farm land.

Hey, look! More poppies!

There are flower farms and grass farms throughout the Willamette Valley and every one of them is spectacular.

Another interesting little meadow meandering through farm land.

Late in the day in the McMinnville area - a good, old-fashioned farm with a spectacular barn.

On Route 97 between Bend and Madras on the way to Route 26 toward Mt. Hood, this view to the west was pretty amazing.

Approaching Mt. Hood from the southeast.

On Mt. Hood from the ski area parking lot. As I write these notes I'm in my apartment in Los Angeles about 9 PM and the temperature is still 94 degrees. It's hard to describe the beautiful places I'd rather be when I'm sitting here sweating and wishing I were still there. Sigh.
Next: The McMinnville area.
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